Monday, April 28, 2008

14 week tummy

After a number of requests from far away friends and family, I feel compelled to post this picture. That there is a 37 inch waist. John casually mentioned this weekend that I will soon be a "hippopotamus ballerina". I'd hoped for a better piciture, but John was done playing "take a picture of me for the blog".


Nathan and Sarah said...

How Exciting! Your belly looks really cute! Thanks for posting the picture.


mae said...

You are the right size for you and don't let anyone tell you differently. I think you look great! I'm hoping that John is planning to buy you a tutu for your balerina phase. That would be so much more fun than regular maternity clothes. Maybe a tiara too.


Sister Mullen said...

You all look beautiful... Edna, Bean 1 and Bean 2! How exciting to think about the little ones on the way. John and Edna take good care of each other, all four of you.

Lynita said...

Seriously people say the lamest things to pregnant women. You would think that women who have been pregnant would make such obvious blunders, but maybe their brains have been ruined by having too many or something! LOL! I think you look amazing and at least you have a good excuse to be showing this soon, I wish I did! LOL!

Mona said...

Edna, your belly is adorable. I have a small care package of my best pregger clothes on the way for you (once the elf goes to the post office)
Your ultrasound is adorable. Thank you for sharing. I cried at the ultrasound when I discovered the gender: long long tears of joy to know a little more about the new little one. I am so happy for you and John.

Kelly and Kimberly said...

You are so darling. I'm so excited for you guys. Hooray!

corey said...

You're so cute! I just got your blog address from Kim and Kelly's. Congratulations -- you're fabulous.

Adah said...

Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you and twins!! Wow you must be so excited and scared!!! I have a friend who had twins and it has been so fun watching them grow. I have to tell you just by looking at you in the picture at the Waldorf I knew you were pregnant. I could not tell you had a belly it was your chest size that clued me in!!! I can't wait to hear more about things let me know if you have any questions.