Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Offense, but...

Over the last month or so our family has visited each of the four areas where I've lived: NYC, Boston, San Fran, and Provo. Each area has things I love, and some things I would change if I ran the world (I rarely mention running the world lately).

After an evening of singing some Jason Mraz with the girls, I was thinking I like this guy and he is clearly from California. Then I started thinking about why it is that I can tell that he is from California. In the more wester places I've been, people are just happier and way funnier. Maybe it's the cold, a culture of wanting to feel important, or tight quarters, but in Boston and NYC there is more concern with being offended and offending.

I think we need more reggae music (preferably with lyrics I can't understand). And funny people.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Jason Mraz is from Virginia. He has only lived in CA for the past 5 years or so... but anyway I like him too.