Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 35- Woah!

Since I'm on partial bed-rest, there isn't much excitement for me lately. Lots of naps, lots of reading and watching stuff, and about four doctors visits a week. However, there were a few things that have left me smiling for the last few days (well, these things, and that our babies are doing great and will be born in a few weeks).

Grocery Shopping Made Fun My younger (but oldest) sister Katie came almost 2 weeks ago, so she has been baby-sitting me. Last week she and I took a quick trip to Costco. Normally, this is an exhausting activity, and especially so when carrying an extra 60 pounds. But.... I'd remembered that a few years ago after my knee surgeries I'd hobbled into a store and was offered a motorized cart. I thought I'd try the cart again. It is AWESOME. It's like go-cart racing while grocery shopping. The only drawback is that if you can't make a turn you have to reverse, which causes the cart to beep- just like a garbage truck. That's dorky. Sometimes even New Yorkers will get out of the way for the beeping, so maybe it's OK. John also likes that the motorized cart has a smaller basket than the normal cart, so I don't fall prey to the "Costco Effect".

The Tub Our tub is one of the many things in our apartment that broke a week after we moved in. It hasn't drained reasonably well in over a year, since neither of us were home during business hours to get it fixed. Now I am. The tub is fixed. Wahoo!

And here are the latest pics. At my last visit, we discovered that there had been a little confusion at the prior ultrasound, and Athena is still the bigger baby. Athena is on the left with her hand to her temple, and Xena is on the right with some membrane over her face.


Sister Mullen said...

I think mothers of twins should have their own beeping sound starting at about the sixth month and continuing until the children are about three years old :)! Glad your tub is fixed and hurrah for sisters. Take good care of each other.

Lynita said...

Yay, maybe now that Ryan is back I can use the motorized carts too. I have been offered them several times, but with a toddler and a 4 year old there was no way to make it work. Today @ 3 different places people asked if I was okay, apparently I looked as miserable as I felt! LOL! Oh well, I will be almost as excited as you when this baby comes out. I mean after all you are having 2 and they are your first(s). I hope that you continue to enjoy your sister and some of the good things about bed rest. I keep wanting to call you, but I am afraid that I will wake you from a nap, which to me would be horrible! Take care and if you need anything, please let us know!

Pat said...

We are so excited and waiting to hear all your news soon! The names are kinda growing on me. Are you sure you're going to change them?

Mona said...

The cutest little girls, oh man you must be in love already. The pouts are the best features for me for now.