Monday, February 18, 2008

Missing Boston

Now that we've been in NY about six months and the inital excitement has worn off, I'm realizing how much I miss our friends in Boston (though there are MANY things about Boston we don't miss). We still haven't found friends that we can invite over for a big chilli dinner, or a good fist fight (we've lost those pictures of Cristie and Steven), or chess game like with Ben and Sam (and other people at other times).... (a.k.a Cowboy Bear Bat Ben) ...or run off with to Paris... (Spence and Joel are two of the funniest people I have ever met) ...or work with to organize a Business Ethics Conference (I love how BYU Mag found the only woman at the conference for their photo)

...or run off to NYC for party- hopping.... like this party where I met the crazy guy in the floral shirt (you can't see in the pic, but John is also wearing a skirt)

....or share countless other adventures with many great friends over eight years.


Allison said...

It's hard to miss everything you have known for a while and I hope you know that your friends left behind (like me!) miss you just the same (although I haven't even been able to live by you for what?...10 years?)

Chrissy said...

Hi Edna! Finally catching up with your blog! We had the same friend connections in dental school. It was hard to pack up and start over, but it does get better! Now that we love it here, we're going to have to pack up again! Maybe our next place we can get some roots going.

Adah said...

Wow!! I remember that day and I think I have the same picture!! We had some good times but I think none of those people live in Boston any more!! That is sort of sad...oh wait the Smally's do.

Sister Mullen said...

Edna, isn't that John in the picture at the conference? He's on the next row back a few seats over. Maybe it's just one of the zillion blonde Utah guys, but it sure looks like him. By the way, I'm not just looking at the picture for the first time, just finally took a second the write what I've been thinking every time I see the picture.

Mona said...

We miss John and Edna so much over here in Boston. We hope to schedule a visit either way with you guys by this summer.
The Bryants