Friday, December 03, 2010

Picture dump

Every once in a while I get this crazy idea that if I were to go through and just delete all the 25MB photos that are blury, I would get half my hard drive back. But then I run across pictures like this, and the blur just seems to work.

And then you get to looking and you get stuck looking at a few pictures a little longer than the 1 second you can spend on each one to cover all you pictures in something rediculous - like 4 hours. And you realize you will never be done.

And then you give up and are happy that at least if you go looking, you can find some pictures worth looking at again.

But lots of time has been put into organizing and classfying photos automatically, but if camera makers really want a killer app that will help improve their customers lives, they need to create cameras that will either keep you from taking photos you will never want to look at again or offer to delete the blurry, overexposed, bad photos. Then I wouldn't be in this position in the first place.


Kate said...

Those four pics are all worth KEEPING!!! Love them!

Nathan and Sarah said...

I love these pictures!

Lynita said...

I would totally buy a camera with a delete all the horrible pix feature! Those are some great pix, especially the girls hugging.