Tuesday, July 20, 2010


For months I've been craving some good laughs. Then I found out that my youngest sister Emily would be visiting my sister Liz for the summer (meaning two of the most fun women I know are in the same place)...I HAD to crash this party. So, when John needed to fly to San Fran, the girls and I tagged along as far as Utah. My sisters and I have been acting like fools and laughing our post-baby bodies back into shape.
The little ones have also had fun. They swam with cousins, started wearing pig tails, and learned about many things like go-gurt and scooters.
and they enjoyed my birthday.
Camillie colored everything with chalk- here she is at work by the Koi pond

1 comment:

Sister Mullen said...

Love Macy's "pigs" and Camy on the scooter. The girls look like they're having a blast in the wading pool. So glad you could go and enjoy your sisters. Hope you have a Happy Birthday!