Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some habits carry over quickly

When the girls carry around dolls, they tend to carry them two at a time - just like they themselves are carried. And, as it turns out, they carry the babies in similar fashion to how they are chartered.

Here is Camy demonstrating the two-babies-in-one-arm method, necesarry when you are also trying to schlep a stroller and diaper bag down the stairs too.

Here Camy is is showing the more typical one-under-each-arm carry:

Here is Camy after careful coaching, "head in one elbow, feet in the other elbow, rock her gently side to side". It lasted long enough for a photo, but was short lived. Just didn't make sense I guess.


Kate said...

It is amazing what they pick up on! The girls' hair is really coming in now! I can't believe how blond Camy's hair is!

Sister Mullen said...

Thanks for the post... love seeing those little ladies!

Mona said...

most adorable set of photos

Lynita said...

That is so funny! I love the last comment!

Denise said...

Just wait until the preschool teacher calls you one day because your girls are nursing the dollies at school. Delightful!