Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

Here at the "Family of John, Edna, Camy, and Macy" blog, we watch our readership statistics very closely and implement the most sophisticated statistical software to understand our readers better.

And of the 3 of you that read our blog, no one visits more often than my mother. Eight hundred and twenty days have passed since the first blog post, and we have made 59 posts since then, which means that someone who checks in daily to see what updates we have made leaves disappointed 92.68% of the time. The other two of you only leave disappointed 48.78% of the time.

Well, not this week. In celebration of mom's birthday, I will do three things every day this week: post something new on the blog, eat my vegetables, and take my vitamins.

Here is a video that is similar to the one posted on May 10, 2009, except Macy is the one with the giggles (Camy chimes in late and off screen) - sadly dad has not learned any new tricks since that video, but the twins are very accommodating:

Vegetables: green bell pepper, cos lettuce, arugula, fujishima pepper, cherry tomato (yes, technically some of those are fruit, but you know they taste like vegetables, are you trying to ruin my mom's birthday?) Vitamins: check


Mishqueen said...

Do the stats track those who follow the blog through a reader?

Sister Mullen said...

What a great gift! I love it. I'll look forward to each day to see what's new. Thanks for the veggies and vitamins too! Love you each and all.

Sister Mullen said...

You need to realize that I often visit your blog, but do not leave a comment and I use your mother's/Jana's account to do so. I must be somekind of hidden statistic.