Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mobile Macy

For a while, we could count on Macy staying put. Camy was moving, but Macy would just "swim" in place. We now have two mobile children. This fact was underscored for me when I took them to the park. While on the blankets, Camy scooted over to the edge of the grass and started double-fisting grass into her mouth. By the time I accosted Camy, cleaned the grass out of her hands, fished the clovers out of her mouth and put her in the middle of the blanket, Macy was on the other end of the blanket uprooting grass to eat. Macy back in the middle found Camy back at the edge speed grazing. Camy back, Macy out. Macy back, Camy out. After the third iteration, I realized I was outnumbered. We went for the swings. Here is a video of Macy's first scoots - not as aerobatic as Camy, more efficient and low profile:

The other behavior that has developed recently is the girls will now crawl into our laps when we are sitting on the floor. It's endearing.


Sister Mullen said...

All right Macy! She's doing great. Sounds like a new phase of "interesting" keeping up with these little girls, but you've been doing interesting since they were born and doing it well. Grass probably has vitamins anyway. How fun that they are crawling into your laps... give them hugs for us.

Sister Mullen said...

Way to go Macy! Be sure to get a picture of her doing the "swim." It seems that Camy is particular. She likes the clover.