Thursday, June 11, 2009

tout passe, tout lasse, tout casse

John's been doing all the posting lately. For the past month I've spent my spare minutes helping people with finances, putting together a baby shower, trying to make progress on the home improvement, and enjoying going out as much as possible. Last week, though, it seemed like we had an unusual amount of.... stuff that reminded me of the title of this post (tr.=Everything passes, everything wears out, everything breaks.).

Camy cut tooth #7. She just started sleeping at night again.

Macy is working on teeth #4 and 5. They both like biting our knees and shoulders.

Macy discovered cookies (new family rule: No food in the car or car seats)

The garage door bit the top of our car (added emphasis on existing family rule: No playing Indiana Jones while driving)

In addition to the ants everyone else has, we had a visitor with 6 legs and a body over an inch long. John was working late, so I saved the day- half the bug almost escaped. (Sorry, Kate. No picture)

The GPS fell off the window.

After a miserable trip to the store, we got in the car to find we had only 3 of the 4 ridiculously expensive shoes that we started the trip with.

All in all, not a bad week.


Sister Mullen said...

Sorry for your hard week. My mom used to say, "You got kids? You got nothing else!" I guess that phrase can include kids both young and old... but it sounds like the gremlins were after you guys last week.

Sister Mullen said...

This is a good saying and a good approach to life. You had an interesting week. I am glad that for insurcane purposes the two of you have to deal with John and his Inidan Jones tendecies and not me. It may be time for new shoes for the girls anyway.

Kate said...

It looks like she is just as sad about loosing her shoe as you are. Ellie likes to take hers off and drop them on the floor as we go around the store-- it makes me crazy. Sorry to hear about your bad week. Hope life got better!