Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The girls are starting to move more, which makes video a little more relevant now than a few weeks ago. Here are a few. Welcome to the world of unedited amateur video:

Trying out the new shoes that Edna made for the girls, they play typical rolls in this video: Macy screams, Camy plays around with Macy.

In this video both girls try screaming.

Of the two Macy is the more developed screamer. Fortunately she has not found that full throttle scream yet, but you can hear her searching for it. It will come.

When not screaming, Macy trains as a cage fighter. Here she is practicing on her doll/punching bag, Emily. The real-time video looks about as erratic as the time-lapse video.

Camy recently discovered her shadow - curious things they are.

Here is another time-lapse Macy video playing in the toy Mona & Bryant sent us.


Nathan and Sarah said...

I love the second video as the camera goes back and forth between the girls. I can imagine that is how your life is right now. Back and forth, back and forth. They are so cute. thanks for posting videos, it is fun to see how they have grown!

Sister Mullen said...

I thought the same thing about the second video. I'm thinking the Met for Macy... she's got some vibrato going on there and a fine set of lungs. Loved watching Camy discover her shadow AND watching John watching her. Thanks for the videos, very fun!

Mona said...

Cool thanks for the videos of the cutie pies

Lynita said...

I think my favorite is Camy playing with her shadow! So great that you were able to capture that!