Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Travels

A few weeks ago I packed the girls up to go out and I decided to get a few pictures of them. Macy is on the left, Camy on the right. We still love the bunny suits- good even beyond Halloween.

Our little family has been on the road! Camy and Macy got their first immunization about a month ago, then a few days later they went on their first plane trip- to Utah. We visited my family for a little over a week, then John joined us for the last few days before we all flew out to San Francisco for another 5 days to visit with John's family.

While in Utah, our girls were given a name and a blessing (sort of like Christening) by John in the chapel that was my chapel growing up. Also during this trip the girls visited three of their five living great-grandparents, all four of their grandparents, and all of their aunts, uncles, and cousins (total of 5). Their oldest cousin, Hailey, is now two. After spending a week with Camy and Macy, Hailey now carries TWO babies with her at all times and calls them "Macy" since she struggles to say "Camy"


Jeannie Young said...

What cute pictures! I am so jealous that you were in Utah and I wasn't! I'm glad you guys had a good trip and the girls did well. Enjoy your new year!

Karisa said...

I love the one pictures!

Lynita said...

What a great trip that must have been! You got some great pictures of the girls with their family too!