John graduated from MIT in the beginning of May. His parents flew across the country to spend a few days with us and go to the graduation ceremony. We were a little surprised that everyone in the entire school graduated in the same ceremony- from undergrads to Post-docs. The weather was perfect, so the 6 hours we spent out in Killian Court were pretty nice.

Here is the $100,000 photo- its a picture of the Jumbo-tron, so the quality isn't the best.. but it really is John!
John with his parents (and tons of other MIT grads with family and friends). John is thrilled that his mother owns her very own Zorro hat. We were happy that they'd come to visit us for a few days.
Here we are at the class social after graduation with our friends Mona & Bryant. They have been great fun to spend time

with over the past two years, though, try as I might, I will never out-cook Mona. John and Bryant are quite the mischievous pair. Bryant has explained to John that there is no need to do work around the house... mysterious elves will eventually take care of everything.
This is what we look like when we know we will finally stop shelling out those tuition bucks!